Richard Keatley addresses Democrats in the 6th District
Richard Keatley addresses the North Fulton Democrats at the China Garden restaurant in Roswell, Georgia.

Electric Crowd at North Fulton Democrats Meeting in Roswell, Georgia

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It was standing room only last night at the North Fulton Democrats meeting at the China Gardens restaurant in Roswell, Georgia. It took me an hour and a half to get there from North Druid Hills, which made me make a mental note that we need to address transportation issues in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District. All of the Democratic candidates for the special election to replace Tom Price who was appointed head of Health and Human Services last week were there, including Ragin Edwards, Richard Keatley, Dr. Rebecca Quigg, and Ron Slotin. Ron is my film tax credit broker, so it was nice to finally meet him in person. We also got to meet Melinda Emery, the organizer, and Michael Owens, head of the East Cobb County Democrats, who organized the 6th District Initiative of Cobb-Fulton-DeKalb to get out the vote for the democrats, which has gotten 4,000 volunteers!

Richard Keatley addresses Democrats in the 6th District
Richard Keatley addresses the North Fulton Democrats at the China Garden restaurant in Roswell, Georgia.

The $$ candidate Jon Ossoff with the Hollywood endorsements (sound familiar?) sent a young aid who announced that he had already previously scheduled an appointment and couldn’t make it. Doing! What could be more important than meeting with the Democrats of the 6th district, especially when 200 of them showed up, some driving an hour and a half (because of our brutal 6th district transportation issues that need to be resolved)? Apparently he addressed the same group last month where he reportedly gave a weak speech and apparently thought he had checked off that box, however we now actually have an election going on! He probably thinks he has it made in the shade with all of the money he got from the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, but here in the 6th district we think that he has another think coming. Ron Slotin gave a hat tip to the Georgia Film Industry in his speech, and taking a cue from Woody Allen, 95% of it is just showing up. The people who were there realize that this is the most important race in the country right now! Hello!