I-85 bridge collapse in Atlanta, Georgia.
I-85 bridge collapse in Atlanta, Georgia.

Bridge Collapse: How are You Getting to Work Today, Bob Gray?

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Last night for anyone who’s been asleep for the last day the I-85 bridge collapsed blocking both North and Southbound traffic for 225,000 people who cross it every day to go to work in Atlanta or travel through the South. That means commuters in Johns Creek, Roswell, Alpharetta, Milton, and other parts of North Fulton and North DeKalb counties in Georgia are pretty much screwed for the indefinite future, not to mention the impact Carmageddon will have on jobs and the local economy.

The fact is that if Bob Gray, who is running for Congress in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District for a special election on April 18, hadn’t blocked the extension of MARTA to the district while on the city council of Johns Creek, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.


We can also thank our former Congressional Representative Tom Price, who was so busy trying to dismantle government, get rid of health care for seniors, and buying and selling drug company stocks after he manipulated government regulations for his own profit, that he didn’t have time to worry about silly things like how his constituents back home in GA-06 would get to work!

As it is, it looks like residents are going to get a lesson on how to use MARTA, whether they like it or not!

I-85 bridge collapse in Atlanta, Georgia.
I-85 bridge collapse in Atlanta, Georgia.

Which just goes to show you that if you don’t deal with problems head on they’ll come back to bite you! That’s why we need someone like Richard Keatley, a Veteran and Educator, who as a former Naval Officer has a history of leadership and making tough decisions under fire, and who has a comprehensive transportation plan for GA-06.

Congressional Candidate for GA-06 Richard Keatley
Congressional Candidate for GA-06 Richard Keatley