Carroll County Part 3: Mark Butler, and the Beat Goes On Doug Bremner Georgia October 28, 2018You might think that things would improve in Carroll County over time, but depressingly it seems like corruption and coercion...
Corruption in Carroll County, Part 2 Doug Bremner Corruption October 26, 2018This is Part 2 of an ongoing series. You can read Part 1 here. Jack, you should write a book...
Corruption in Carroll County, Georgia: Part 1 Doug Bremner Georgia October 25, 2018It was a summer night a couple of years ago when I attended the Accademia Italiana della Cucina local chapter...
Brian Kemp, Enemy of the People Doug Bremner Georgia October 23, 2018Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State and Candidate for Governor, has been a member of the Georgia Republican Cabal that...
Upcoming Webinar on the Neurobiology of PTSD Doug Bremner Continuing Education October 21, 2018I will be giving a CE credited webinar on the Neurobiology of PTSD on Dec 4, 6 pm. You register...