“Inheritance” Finalist in Barcelona International Film Festival 2015 Doug Bremner Film August 19, 2015Inheritance Italian Style, our feature length comedy about five sisters who return to their home in Sicily to divide the...
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia Doug Bremner Insomnia August 18, 2015Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Insomnia Work? Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Work? By Doug Bremner MD The...
What Causes Insomnia and What Can You Do About It? Doug Bremner Insomnia August 18, 2015Insomnia in its most disabling form – meaning several consecutive sleepless nights – affects 10-15% of Americans. This problem has...
“Guiding Clients in Recovery From Psychological Trauma” Sept 12-13 Seminar Doug Bremner Childhood Abuse August 12, 2015Guiding Clients to Recovery From Psychological Trauma Do you work with clients who are stuck in the past? Do their...
“Inheritance, Italian Style” Screening This Weekend At CGIFF Doug Bremner Film August 9, 2015Inheritance Italian Style, our feature length comedy about five sisters who return to their home in Sicily to divide the...
START NOW Seminar for Recovery from Psychological Trauma May 30-31 Doug Bremner Psychology May 9, 2015START-NOW Seminar Self-Healing from Psychological Trauma: The START-NOW Program Atlanta Marriott Century Center/Emory Area Hotel, May 30-31, 2015 Psychological trauma...
Start Now: Recovering from Psychological Trauma Doug Bremner Childhood Abuse April 29, 2015An article I wrote came out today on thedoctorwillseeyounow.com. You can read it here....
Authors Candace Dempsey and Doug Bremner Discuss the Knox Case and More Doug Bremner Amanda Knox April 14, 2015Listen in on the conversation on blogtalk radio at 7 pm EST today here. Listen to the archived version here....
Heart Broken, Heart Found Doug Bremner Trauma January 27, 2015Little Lucky Girl – Animated Segments Combined from Cathy Reinking on Vimeo....
You Can’t Just Snap Out Of It – Book Trailer Doug Bremner Childhood Abuse January 24, 2015Get the book for 80% list price on amazon kindle here....