Dear Neighbor,
I am Richard Keatley, resident of the Westhampton neighborhood of Tucker since 1998 and I am seeking your support to run for the U.S Congress, 6th district seat that may soon be vacated by Tom Price. I believe the time has come for change in the way our district is represented in Washington. I am running on a platform of change.
TUCKER was gerrymandered in to the sixth district in 2007 in order give the Republicans yet another seat in Washington. This redrawing of the lines, moreover, took us from a strong, democratic district, to the stomping grounds of NEWT GINGRICH. Tom Price has continued to follow an extreme RIGHT-WING AGENDA,
- closing down the federal government several times
- blocking reasonable legislation backed by his corporate sponsors (such as a background check requirement for people on the terrorist watch list)
- championing the privatization of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security
As Trump’s pick for secretary of Health and Human Services, Price is now leading the charge to deny health insurance to 32,000 of his own constituents offering what he calls patient-centered solutions,” AKA “ON-YOUR-OWN CARE.”
Tucker deserves better. The Sixth district DESERVES BETTER!
Before working as an educator at Georgia State University, where I have specialized in helping students of all backgrounds study abroad, I served our nation for seven years as an officer in the United States Navy.I attended college on a Naval ROTC scholarship and was the first member in my family to receive a degree.
I attended a public high school (George Washington High School in Danville, Virginia), served my country and followed my dream to study and better myself, earning a Ph.D. from Yale University (again with a full scholarship).
I understand the challenges faced by working families and will fight for your interests in Washington.
I hope you will support my campaign.
Richard Keatley
Running for Change